Renewable, ecologically grown raw materials are the cornerstone of our projects. We work with resources such as bamboo, forestry and agricultural products, but also unused biomass and biowaste materials, which are not yet embedded in a recycle process.
Based on these raw materials ECO-NATURE-PRODUCTS PLC develops economic utilization concepts in cooperation with external partners. Depending on the chosen material we produce consumer goods, building materials, renewable energy, and much more.
Over the course of a project we make sure to keep the environment in mind. In addition, our operations create fair and future-proof employment opportunities for local people - regardless of their level of education, religion or gender.
ECO-NATURE-PRODUCTS PLC works globally, yet we do have a special focus on the emerging countries of Southeast Asia.
The following overview presents current and planned projects of ECO-NATURE-PRODUCTS PLC. Investors can find more information under Investments and within the respective project pages.
Luzon, Philippines
ENP realizes decentral, clean and sustainable energy generation through utilization of exisiting biomass resources, such as coconut shells, rice husk, wood waste, bamboo, and others. Modern gasification technology allows scaling to local requirements and investment budgets. A fixed Feed-in-Tariff provided by the Philippine Department of Energy, as well as other fiscal and administrative incentives, provide a stable and secure basis for long-term operation. Once return of investment has been completed, the projects revenues finance own biomass production in form of a bamboo farm, operated through local contractors and cooperatives.
Cebu, Philippines
Charcoal production from sustainably produced bamboo on Cebu Island, Philippines On the island of Cebu, Philippines, a project developed by ECO-NATURE-PRODUCTS PLC and external partners produces charcoal from sustainably harvested bamboo. In addition to the yields from a bamboo farm specifically established for this purpose, raw materials from external sources such as private farmers, cooperatives and existing, unused resources are utilized for production. All bamboo is collected centrally, processed and fed to a modern rotary kiln, producing charcoal under usage of a pyrolysis process (carbonisation)...
Have a look again soon for our latest prospective projects.